
Machine reading comprehension (MRC), a task which asks machine to read a given context then answer questions based on its understanding, is considered one of the key problems in artificial intelligence and has significant interest from both academic and industry. Over the past few years, great progress has been made in this field, thanks to various end-to-end trained neural models and high quality datasets with large amount of examples proposed. squad_example Figure 1: MRC example from SQuAD 2.0 dev set




QANet is a MRC architecture proposed by Google Brain, which does not require recurrent networks: Its encoder consists exclusively of convolution and self-attention, where convolution models local interactions and self-attention models global interactions.


Figure 2: An overview of the QANet architecture


Figure 3: The experiment details are reported on SQuAD v1 dataset. Both train & dev sets are processed using Spacy. Invalid samples are removed from both train & dev sets. EM results for QANet model with/without EMA are shown on left. F1 results for QANet model with/without EMA are shown on right

Model # Epoch # Train Steps Batch Size Data Size # Head # Dim EM F1
This implementation 13 ~70,000 16 87k (no aug) 8 128 70.2 80.0
Original Paper ~13 35,000 32 87k (no aug) 8 128 N/A 77.0
Original Paper ~55 150,000 32 87k (no aug) 8 128 73.6 82.7

Table 1: The performance results are reported on SQuAD v1 dataset. Both train & dev sets are processed using Spacy. Invalid samples are removed from train set only. Settings for this QANet implementation is selected to be comparable with settings in original paper


BiDAF (Bi-Directional Attention Flow) is a MRC architecture proposed by Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence (AI2), which consists a multi-stage hierarchical process that represents the context at different levels of granularity and uses bidirectional attention flow mechanism to obtain a query-aware context representation without early summarization.


Figure 4: An overview of the BiDAF architecture


Figure 5: The experiment details are reported on SQuAD v1 dataset. Both train & dev sets are processed using Spacy. Invalid samples are removed from both train & dev sets. EM results for BiDAF model with/without EMA are shown on left. F1 results for BiDAF model with/without EMA are shown on right

Model # Epoch # Train Steps Batch Size Attention Type # Dim EM F1
This implementation 12 ~17,500 60 trilinear 100 68.5 78.2
Original Paper 12 ~17,500 60 trilinear 100 67.7 77.3

Table 2: The performance results are reported on SQuAD v1 dataset. Both train & dev sets are processed using Spacy. Invalid samples are removed from train set only. Settings for this BiDAF implementation is selected to be comparable with settings in original paper</i>


R-Net is a MRC architecture proposed by Microsoft Research Asia (MSRA), which first matches the question and passage with gated attention-based recurrent networks to obtain the question-aware passage representation, then uses a self-matching attention mechanism to refine the representation by matching the passage against itself, and finally employs the pointer networks to locate the positions of answers from the passages.


Figure 6: An overview of the R-Net architecture</i>
